Selamat datang di Megapillo Furniture Online Shop, kami salah satu Toko Furniture yang selama ini dikenal dengan bursa mebel dengan slogan "Gaya Belanja Hemat". Megapillo Furniture adalah produsen dan distributor furniture dan spring bed di Jakarta yang sudah lebih dari 10 tahun mencoba menawarkan penjualan furniture dengan kualitas terbaik dan harga kompetitif, produk yang kami tawarkan antara lain : Meja Belajar, Kursi, Kitchen Set, Room Set, Meja Komputer, SpringBed, Rak TV, Sofa, Lemari, Office Furniture, dll. Kami pun berusaha memanjakan sekaligus memudahkan customer dengan menyediakan paket pengisian rumah baru atau apartemen tentunya dengan harga yang terjangkau.
Untuk memberikan kepuasan maksimal terhadap selera dan kebutuhan pelanggan, Megapillo Furniture selalu mencari pabrik dan penyedia meubel serta furniture terbaik di seluruh dunia.
Kami mempunyai supplier dari Amerika, Inggris, Malaysia, Taiwan, Cina, dan tentu saja dari negeri kita tercinta, Indonesia. Kami menjual berbagai mebel, sofa, dan mattress / spring bed berkelas, diantaranya : Kasur Kingkoil, Serta, Spring Air, Airland, Resta, Koala, Dunlopillo, Florence, Gudho, Romance bed, Comforta, Champion, Mommy, Violand, New Member, dan masih banyak lagi.
Dimana selain itu, Megapillo juga menyediakan berbagai pilihan meubel/office kantor lainnya seperti meja kantor, meja direksi, meja meeting, meja partisi / partisi kantor, kursi kantor, kursi direktur, kursi seketaris, kursi kuliah, kursi cafe, sofa kantor, filing cabinet, mobile file, dan baby box dari berbagai merek seperti Olympic, Modera, Gold, Graver, Popular, Expo, Indachi, Chairman, Chitose, Morress, Success, UNO, VIP, Orbit Rend, serta masih banyak lagi.
Dengan jangkauan supplier yang luas, membantu kami dalam menyediakan berbagai pilihan furniture kepada pelanggan. Berbagai koleksi furniture Megapillo, mulai dari yang bergaya modern, klasik, contemporary furniture dan minimalis furniture merupakan barang-barang bermutu dan unik, yang sebagiannya hanya Anda dapatkan di Megapillo Furniture dan cabang kami.
Selain dari pada furniture bermerek, Megapillo Furniture juga membuat custom furniture seperti sofa, sofa bed, lemari pajangan, bufet, meja kantor, kursi kantor, kamar set, dan kitchen set.
Saat ini MEGAPILLO Furniture hanya berlokasi di Jakarta, Indonesia. Kami adalah toko mebel terlengkap yang pengiriman mencakup daerah-daerah besar di Jakarta, seperti Pluit, Gajah Mada, Cawang, Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK), Menteng, Kemang, Green Ville, Citra Garden, Gatot Subroto, dll. Apabila Anda berlokasi di luar kota Jakarta atau luar Indonesia pembelian dapat di lakukan melalui online di MEGAPILLO Furniture Online Shop
Seluruh produk yang kami tawarkan merupakan produk baru dan asli dari pabrik, dan ditawarkan dengan harga pabrik langsung / factory outlet. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan berbelanja murah di tempat kami. Kami yakin, anda akan menemukan the best deal in town!
Hormat kami,
Megapillo Furniture
Visi Megapillo Furniture :
- Menjadi perusahaan furniture nomor satu di Indonesia.
- Menghasilkan furniture berkualitas unggul.
- Melayani pelanggan dengan memberikan kepuasan terhadap apa yang di minta oleh pelanggan.
Misi Megapillo Furniture:
- Menjadi perusahaan furniture yang profesional yaitu sebuah perusahaan yang memiliki manajemen tepat guna dalam mengelola organisasi dan menjalankan usaha.
- Menjadi perusahaan Terpercaya yaitu sebuah perusahaan yang memiliki akuntabilitas dan kredibilitas yang tinggi.
- Menjadi perusahaan furniture Terpilih yaitu sebuah perusahaan yang memiliki prioritas utama dalam bekerjasama dengan semua pihak yang berkepentingan.
- Pelanggan merasa nyaman berbelanja di showroom kami.
- Furniture yang di pilih dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan.
- Pelanggan dapat mendapatkan apa yang diinginkan dan tidak dipaksakan untuk memilih dari apa yang dimiliki.
- Pelanggan dapat up to date tentang informasi dari Megapillo furniture.
- Furniture yang di tawarkan kepada pelanggan adalah fresh factory.
- Menyelesaikan permasalahan furnitur pelanggan secara cepat.
Para pembeli mebel dan furniture dari jakarta biasanya berasal dari daerah :
- Koja Selatan
- Koja Utara
- Rawa Badan Selatan
- Tugu Utara
- Tugu Selatan
- Lagoa
- Pluit
- Kelapa Gading
- Sunter
- Pantai Mutiara
- Pisangan Baru
- Utan Kayu Selatan
- Utan Kayu Utara
- Kayu Manis
- Pal Meriam
- Kebun Manggis
- Pinang Ranti
- Makasar
- Halim Perdanakusuma
- Cipinang Melayu
- Kebun Pala
- Cawang
- Cililitan
- Kebayoran Baru
- Selong
- Gunung
- Kramat Pela
- Gandaria Utara
- Cipete Utara
- Pulo
- Melai
- Petogogan
- Rawa barat
- Senayan
- Jagakarsa
- tanjung barat
- Lenteng Agung
- Ciganjur
- Slengseng Sawah
- Cipedak
- Kemang
- Cengkareng
- Kedaung Kali Angke
- Kapuk
- Cengkareng Barat
- Cengkareng Timur
- Rawa Buaya
- Rawa Kosambi
- Taman Sari
- Pinangsia
- Glodok
- Keagungan
- Krukut
- Maphar
- Tangki
- Mangga Besar
- Kalideres
- Poris
- Perumahan Citra
- Citra Garden Ciputra
- Citra Garden 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7
- Puri Kembangan
- Taman Surya
- Taman Palem
- Daan Mogot
- Perumahan Daan Mogot Baru
- Gambir
- Kebon Kelapa
- Petojo Selatan
- Duri Pulo
- Cindeng
- Petojo Utara
- Gunung Sahari Selatan
- Kemayoran
- Kebon Jeruk
- Harapan Mulya
- Cempaka Baru
- Utan Panjang
- Sumur Batu
- Serdang
Pencarian Terpopuler :
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Welcome to Megapillo Furniture Online Shop, which is known as the furniture market with the slogan "Safe shopping style". Megapillo Furniture is a manufacturer and distributor of furniture and spring bed in Jakarta, which has more than 10 years of trying to offer the best quality and competitive price, the products we offer include: Learning Table, Chairs, Kitchen, Room Set, Computer Desk, spring, TV Rack, Sofa, Wardrobe, Office Furniture, etc. We also try to pamper and facilitate customers by providing a package of filling a new house or apartment at an affordable price of course.
To provide maximum satisfaction to the tastes and needs of customers, Megapillo Furniture is always looking for furniture manufacturers and providers as well as the best furniture around the world.
We have suppliers from the United States, Britain, Malaysia, Taiwan, China, and of course from our beloved country, Indonesia. We sell a variety of furniture, sofa, and mattress / spring bed class, including: Mattresses Kingkoil, Serta, Spring Air, Airland, Resta, Koala, Dunlopillo, Florence, Gudho, Romance bed, Comforta, Champion, Mommy, Violand, New Member, and much more.
Where in addition, Megapillo also provide a wide selection of furniture / office work such as office desks, tables of directors, meeting table, partition table / office partitions, office chairs, director chairs, secretary chairs, lecture chairs, cafe chairs, office sofa, filing cabinet , mobile files, and the baby box from various brands such as Olympic, Modera, Gold, Graver, Popular, Expo, Indachi, Chairman, Chitose, Morress, Success, UNO, VIP, Orbit rend, and many more.
With a wide range of suppliers, helping us in providing a wide selection of furniture to the customer. Megapillo various furniture collections, ranging from the modern style, classical, contemporary furniture and minimalist furniture is top quality items and unique, part of which you only get in Megapillo Furniture and our affiliates.
Apart from the branded furniture, Furniture Megapillo also makes custom furniture such as sofa, sofa bed, cabinet, sideboard, desk, office chairs, bedroom sets, and kitchen set.
Apart from the branded furniture, Furniture Megapillo also makes custom furniture such as sofa, sofa bed, cabinet, sideboard, desk, office chairs, bedroom sets, and kitchen set.
Megapillo Furniture also accept special orders by timber, multiplex, blockteak with a layer of Duco, Laker, melamine or HPL and PVC. We can measure your furniture in place and design your home if interested.
Currently MEGAPILLO Furniture just located in Jakarta, Indonesia. We are the most complete furniture store, delivery includes large areas in Jakarta, such as Pluit, Gajah Mada, Cawang, Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK), Menteng, Kemang, Green Ville, Citra Garden, Gatot Subroto, etc. If you are located outside the city or outside Indonesia purchases can be done via online at MEGAPILLO Furniture Online Shop
Currently MEGAPILLO Furniture just located in Jakarta, Indonesia. We are the most complete furniture store, delivery includes large areas in Jakarta, such as Pluit, Gajah Mada, Cawang, Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK), Menteng, Kemang, Green Ville, Citra Garden, Gatot Subroto, etc. If you are located outside the city or outside Indonesia purchases can be done via online at MEGAPILLO Furniture Online Shop
All products that we offer a new and original products from the factory, and offered a price direct factory / factory outlets. Do not miss the opportunity to shop cheap in our area. We are sure you will find the best deal in town!
Megapillo Furniture
Megapillo Furniture's Vision:
- Being number one furniture company in Indonesia.
- Produce superior quality furniture.
- Serving customers by delivering satisfaction to what is asked by a customer.
Megapillo Furniture's Mission:
- Being a professional furniture company is a company that has the appropriate management in managing the organization and running a business.
- Become a trusted company that is a company that has accountability and high credibility.
- Being Selected furniture company is a company that has top priority in cooperation with all interested parties.
- Customers feel comfortable shopping in our showroom.
- On select furniture that can meet customer needs.
- Customers can get what they want and not be forced to choose from what is owned.
- Subscribers can be up to date on information from Megapillo furniture.
- Furniture is on offer to customers is factory fresh.
- Furniture resolve customer issues quickly.